How to add third party RPMs at install time​
This example is covering the case in which extra RPMS (e.g. specific hardware drivers) are included into the ISO and during the installation they are installed over the OS image.
For that use case the following files are required:
- additional RPMs to install
- additional cloud-config file defining hooks to copy and install binaries as installation hooks
We can handle it all into a single
section assuming the additional
RPM is available to download it from a remote server at installation time.
Consider the following cloud-config data which could be used as the content of the cloud-config
section in a SeedImage resource.
name: "Install extra drivers"
# Preload data to the persistent storage
# During installation persistent partition is mounted at /run/elemental/persistent
- downloads:
- path: /tmp/some_package.rpm
permissions: 0777
- commands:
- mkdir -o /run/elemental/persistent/extra-pkgs
- cp -p /tmp/some_package.rpm /run/elemental/persistent/extra-pkgs
# Install the package at install time
- commands:
- rpm -iv /run/elemental/extra-pkgs/some_package.rpm
# Include to the install system analog upgrade and reset hooks
- files:
- path: /oem/extra-pkg.yaml
permissions: 0664
content: |
name: "Install extra drivers"
# Install the package after upgrading to a new image
- commands:
- rpm -iv /run/elemental/extra-pkgs/some_package.rpm
# Install the package on reset
- commands:
- rpm -iv /run/elemental/extra-pkgs/some_package.rpm
Note the installation hooks only cover installation procedures, so that additional cloud-config data should be also part of the installed system in order to keep installing the package as part of the upgrade or reset processes.
Repacking a generated ISO image with extra files​
Alternatively, if having the dynamic download of content at install time is not a desired behavior and an ISO already including all the extra binaries is the actual goal this can is also possible but requires manually repacking the ISO.
Using xorriso
, the linux utility to create ISOs, this turns to be a relatively easy process.
Let's create an overlay
directory to create the directory tree that needs to be
added into the ISO root. In that case the overlay
directory could contain:
We are assuming the install_hooks.yaml
is the content the actual cloud-config exposed in the previous
section which is manually included into image instead of being embedded in a SeedImage resource. The data
folder is eventually including the binaries we want to append into the ISO.
Assuming we already downloaded an Elemental ISO tied to a specific MachineRegistration with the following
call all the overlay
folder contents would be included into a new ISO:
xorriso -indev elemental.x86_64.iso -outdev elemental.custom.x86_64.iso -map overlay / -boot_image any replay
Requires xorriso
equal or higher than version 1.5.
The contents of install_hooks.yaml
could eventually be the same as the previous section but omiting the RPM
package download and also adapting the RPM path to /run/initramfs/live/data/extra-pkgs/some_package.rpm
the ISO root folder is mounted at /run/initramfs/live