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Elemental Support

The elemental-support is a utility program that collects all information about the machine where the Elemental stack is running.

When troubleshooting issues with any Elemental node, it is possible to generate a compressed file containing logs and config files.
Be aware that the tar.gz generated file may contain sensitive information, like access tokens to the management cluster and more.


Optionally, the elemental-support utility needs kubectl to be available on the target machine, in order to collect node information. This can be very useful to debug Elemental upgrade issues with a node.
The kubectl config used will be looked up from the KUBECONFIG environment variable, or in its absence either the /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml or /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml files will be used instead.

Collecting information​

Once ran, the elemental-support will create the compressed archive within the same directory.

Example run:

m-993369ec-4b3f-4368-86c3-1449ebf57cf2# elemental-support 
I0430 11:33:38.934777 8536 log.go:42] Support version 1.3.4, commit 192dc33d, commit date 20230831
I0430 11:33:38.934865 8536 log.go:46] Getting elemental-support version
I0430 11:33:38.934918 8536 log.go:42] Copying /etc/os-release
I0430 11:33:38.935008 8536 log.go:42] Copying /etc/resolv.conf
I0430 11:33:38.935066 8536 log.go:42] Copying /etc/hostname
I0430 11:33:38.935131 8536 log.go:42] Copying /etc/rancher/agent/config.yaml
I0430 11:33:38.935174 8536 log.go:42] Copying /etc/rancher/agent/config.yaml
I0430 11:33:38.935214 8536 log.go:42] Copying dir /var/lib/elemental/agent/applied/
I0430 11:33:38.935434 8536 log.go:42] Copying dir /var/lib/rancher/agent/applied/
I0430 11:33:38.935572 8536 log.go:42] Copying dir /system/oem
I0430 11:33:38.936584 8536 log.go:42] Copying dir /oem/
I0430 11:33:38.937121 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log elemental-system-agent
I0430 11:33:38.959813 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log rancher-system-agent
I0430 11:33:38.979271 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log k3s
I0430 11:33:39.018177 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log rke2
I0430 11:33:39.036852 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-boot
I0430 11:33:39.053409 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-fs
I0430 11:33:39.068132 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-initramfs
I0430 11:33:39.085935 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-network
I0430 11:33:39.101440 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-reconcile
I0430 11:33:39.119528 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-setup-rootfs
I0430 11:33:39.136151 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log cos-immutable-rootfs
I0430 11:33:39.153850 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log elemental
I0430 11:33:39.170564 8536 log.go:42] Getting service log NetworkManager
I0430 11:33:39.190169 8536 log.go:42] Getting elemental-cli version
I0430 11:33:39.205410 8536 log.go:42] Getting elemental-operator version
I0430 11:33:39.205621 8536 log.go:42] Getting elemental-register version
I0430 11:33:39.266263 8536 log.go:42] Found k3s kubeconfig at /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
I0430 11:33:39.266312 8536 log.go:42] Found k3s kubectl at /usr/local/bin/kubectl
I0430 11:33:39.266320 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for pods
I0430 11:33:39.770730 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for secrets
I0430 11:33:39.962037 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for nodes
I0430 11:33:40.118680 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for services
I0430 11:33:40.280797 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for deployments
I0430 11:33:40.458869 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for plans
I0430 11:33:40.612138 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for apps
I0430 11:33:40.787309 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s info for jobs
I0430 11:33:40.932361 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s logs for namespace cattle-system
I0430 11:33:41.353556 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s logs for namespace kube-system
I0430 11:33:41.935885 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s logs for namespace ingress-nginx
W0430 11:33:41.999345 8536 log.go:62] No pods in namespace ingress-nginx
I0430 11:33:41.999365 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s logs for namespace calico-system
W0430 11:33:42.061902 8536 log.go:62] No pods in namespace calico-system
I0430 11:33:42.061927 8536 log.go:42] Getting k8s logs for namespace cattle-fleet-system
I0430 11:33:42.204459 8536 log.go:42] Creating final file
I0430 11:33:42.215815 8536 log.go:42] All done. File created at m-993369ec-4b3f-4368-86c3-1449ebf57cf2-2024-04-30T113342Z.tar.gz