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Storage Template Variables​

The information collected in the Storage template variables defines attributes of the disks available in the system.

The Disks are tracked both by number (0, 1, 2, ...) and by device name (sda, vda, nvme0n1, ...).

For example, if ${Storage/Disks/2/Name} is equal to sda, the the disk model can be retrieved via both the ${Storage/Disks/2/Model} and the ${Storage/Disks/sda/Model} variables.


The tracked disks include also optical disk drives and removable devices (e.g., USB sticks).

${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/DriveType}Disk type
${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/Model}Disk model
${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/Name}Device name
${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/Removable}is removable media?
${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/Size}Size ( bytes)
${Storage/Disks/_<Number>_/StorageController}Controller type
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/DriveType}Disk type
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/Model}Disk model
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/Name}Device name
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/Removable}is removable media?
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/Size}Size ( bytes)
${Storage/Disks/_<DeviceName>_/StorageController}Controller type
${Storage/TotalDisks}Number of disks present in the system

Disks' DriveTypes​

HDDHard disk drive
FDDFloppy disk drive
ODDOptical disk drive
SSDSolid-state drive
virtualvirtual drive i.e. loop devices
Unknownunknown drive type

Disks' StorageController types​

IDEIntegrated Drive Electronics
SCSISmall computer system interface
NVMeNon-volatile Memory Express
MMCMulti-media controller (used for mobile phone storage devices)
virtioVirtualized storage controller/driver
looploop device
Unknownunknown controller type